Mohammed V National Theater of Rabat
Title : The Mohammed V National Theater: A Cultural Pillar in Morocco
Introduction :The Mohammed V Theater, inaugurated in March 1962 by the late HM King Hassan II, is an emblematic place of cultural influence in Rabat and in Morocco. Discover its history and mission.
History and Mission: Since its creation, the mission of the Mohammed V Theater has been to bring together and support creators and artists of all origins. It guarantees accessibility to culture for all audiences.
Annual Programming: Each cultural season presents a variety of musical, theatrical, lyrical, choreographic and visual themes. Attendance rates are reaching peaks, attracting diverse and demanding audiences.
Trust and Commitment: The artist, the public and the partners demonstrate their confidence in the Mohammed V Theater. This reinforces its commitment to exemplary cultural management.
Theater and Culture: The Mohammed V Theater is not limited to an artistic institution. It plays a key role in preserving the contemporary history of the Kingdom through culture.
Ambitious project: The “Rabat, City of Light and National Capital of Culture” project elevates Rabat to the rank of a major global cultural destination, thus consolidating Morocco’s position as a land of welcome and exchange par excellence.
Address Mohammed V National Theater Avenue Al Mansour Addahbi – B.P.: 172 – Rabat – MOROCCO
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